Pictured is one of the billboards in New York City that features Casper's own Christina Armstrong. Though the first billboard included all the models chosen to represent their state in the Elite Supermodel competition, Armstrong will also stand front and center on other billboards to go up throughout the year. (via Facebook)

CASPER, Wyo. — Each day, millions of people walk up and down the streets of New York City. And for the last several months, Casper native Christina Armstrong has appeared on billboards in the heart of Manhattan seen by those millions.

Armstrong, who has been involved in modeling and pageants for much of her life, earned the honor when, in late 2023, she was crowned the 2024 Elite Wyoming Supermodel by Supermodels Unlimited Magazine. She joined Elite Supermodels from most of the other states in the country.

(via Facebook)

Before competing in and winning the Elite Wyoming Supermodel competition, Armstrong had previously won titles such as Miss Wyoming Galaxy in 2011. However, she had stepped away from the world of modeling for several years before deciding to reenter the competitive scene when she learned of the Elite Wyoming Supermodel competition.

“I wanted to see if I still had it,” she said with a chuckle.

Armstrong submitted her entry for the competition in October of 2023. And unlike many other models, she did it all herself.

“Most other models have professional photographers they work with,” she said. “I just set up my own backdrop and do it all myself.”

However, Armstrong said she doesn’t see her self-reliance as a hindrance, but as the best part of the job.

“I love doing my hair, makeup [and] choosing a good outfit,” she said. “When it all comes together, it’s such a rewarding feeling.”

In the following weeks, Armstrong heard nothing back from Supermodels Unlimited. Eventually, she started to assume that she had not been selected to represent the state. Then, one day late in the year, she received an email telling her that she had in fact been chosen.

“It was a wonderful feeling,” she said. “I had thought my pageant and modeling years were over, and this just proved to me that they weren’t.”

Many models choose a social issue to champion, and Armstrong said she uses her modeling as a platform to spread awareness of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement.

“It’s an issue that’s incredibly important to me because I’m Lakota-Sioux, and so I decided to make that my platform,” she said. “Modeling has helped me get the word out.”

After being crowned the 2024 Elite Wyoming Supermodel late last year, Armstrong began appearing on New York billboards earlier this year. She said she and the other states’ Elite Supermodels will be cycled through on the billboards throughout the year.

“My first billboard was a big group one with 40 or so of the Elite Supermodels,” she said. “And then after that, I ended up getting another one, which was really exciting.”

Armstrong added that billboards with the Elite Supermodels will also be installed in Los Angeles at some point, though she said she isn’t sure when those are expected to go up.

Not only is Armstrong going to featured on several billboards throughout the year, though, but she will also be on the cover of an issue of Supermodels Unlimited Magazine in 2024.

As another perk of holding the crown, Armstrong will travel to New York City later this year to take part in the famed New York Fashion Week.

“I’m thrilled about that,” Armstrong said. “I’m also a bit nervous. I’ve never been to a city as big as New York before.”

In all, Armstrong said she’s been blessed by the doors modeling has opened up for her, and said she’s excited to see what doors it continues to open for her.

“It’s been amazing so far,” she said with a smile.